Monday, July 28, 2008

See This Movie

Yep, mid July and most of the big summer blockbuster movies are out. Take your pick between the superhero, TV show on the big screen, alien invasion, romantic comedy or animated kid's movie. Trouble is, you've seen all of these stories before.

Don't get me wrong, I like those mindless superhero alien movies. But sometimes you want a little more depth, right? OK, humor me.

If Brick Lane is playing in your town, go see it immediately. If not, rent the movie when it's released on DVD.

It's a story of a young Bangladeshi girl who is sent to London for an arranged marriage. The opening scenes are so beautifully captured on film. The acting is incredible. You will leave the theater disappointed that Hollywood cannot make a movie as terrific as this.

And you'll wonder why are Western clothes so dull? OK, so we're all a little shallow. Now back to those superhero blockbusters.

Brick Lane

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