Monday, October 5, 2009


This past Friday, Charles and I went to dinner with two other couples. Half of the spouses were enjoying a quiet evening, while the other half was having too much fun to call it a night. (Too much bacon swiss dip and gimlets before dinner!) So a spontaneous trip to the movie theater playing Zombieland occurred for three of us.

I have a few favorite zombie movies. 28 Days Later, I Am Legend, Shaun of the Dead. Now Zombieland is going on that list.

The movie centers on the narrator’s rules for surviving a zombie plague. Clearly the thinking man’s guide to zombie survival, the narrator espouses rules that always escape characters in other zombie movies – such as the doubletap. When you’re not sure if the zombie is dead, instead of gently kicking it with your foot, he suggests shooting it again, also known as the doubletap. (Write that one down. It’s a keeper. Works on squirrels too.)

Go see the movie for other very important survival tips and to see a Woody Harrelson movie that’s actually funny. (Yeah, hard to believe!)

Twinkies (Twinkies are a running gag throughout the movie. Wait, did I say gag in reference to Twinkies? This site has links to recipes, including Twinkies Sushi. Yep, gag alright.)
Zombie Survival Guide
The Zen of Zombie
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Zombie cocktail (for any upcoming Halloween parties)

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