Monday, September 14, 2009

Lightning Strike

Lightning strikes are a common thing here in Florida. We have surge protectors for most of our electronics to prevent serious damage. We have battery backups for the most important pieces, like the computer (so you don’t lose any work if the power goes out) and Tivo (seriously, I couldn’t possibly miss one minute of Project Runway!).

We had a major storm the other night. A day later, I decided to do some work around the house (Yeah, I know. What got into me?) and I turned on the stereo to listen to some music.

Wait a minute. I didn’t know Annie Lennox was in the movie "Lord of the Rings"! I could hear Annie singing and the hobbits yelling at each other. (Mr. Frodo wasn’t singing, but I totally bet he could rap.)

After a few moments, I realized that our stereo receiver had been hit by lightning again and an electronic component had burned out inside (even with a surge protector). This happened once before, where the receiver played all inputs at the same time – the TV signal, the iPod, the CD player, XM.

While I like to multi-task, I can’t pay attention to all of that at the same time. Just ask Charles – he'll tell you I barely listen as it is. (Did he just say something?)

So I'll be looking for a new upgraded surge protector with a battery back up. And sending the receiver off to get fixed.

Surge Protectors with Battery Backups
Project Runway (now on Lifetime)
Models of the Runway (Thanks Pat – I’m now hooked on another TV program!)
Annie Lennox (more on Annie later this week)

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