Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Swine Flu

I’m home from work today. I started feeling sick yesterday and left the office early. You know it must be bad when I left before a coworker’s birthday cake was served! Did you know that Dairy Queen will make an ice cream Butterfinger Blizzard cake? (Being sick totally bites.)

I think I must have swine flu, because I’ve been eating everything in sight lately. That’s a symptom, right? So much for losing five pounds before vacation (which is completely necessary because vacation is all about eating – especially in Maine where lobster and whoopie pies are sold on every street corner or quickie mart).

Why isn’t there an “eat like a bird” flu? Wait, isn’t that avian flu? How do I get that?

Dairy Queen
Swine Flu
Avian Flu
Oh look, Lobster is on the Atkins Diet
Whoopie Pies
(not on anyone's diet plan)

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